
平成29年度 科学技術分野 文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞
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Yu Hayashi was awarded The Young Scientists’ Prize (MEXT)

The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology announced today that Yu Hayashi, the principal investigator and associate professor of WPI-IIIS, was awarded The Young Scientists’ Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology.

Name of achievement:
Exploring the role and mechanism of REM sleep

Comment from the recipient:
“I am deeply honored to receive such a brilliant award. I would like to thank my collaborators and members of IIIS, as well as my family for all their support. We expect that the transgenic mice in which REM sleep can be manipulated will be effective for further elucidating the function of sleep. Encouraged by this award, I hope to make further effort to contribute to understanding the mechanisms underlying brain maturation and homeostasis and to the development of novel therapeutics for neural diseases.”
