Campus Life
Support for Students with Disabilities
Office for Students with Disabilities
A Campus Where Everyone Can Be in the Spotlight
The University of Tsukuba actively supports students with disabilities. At our university, many students with disabilities are able to pursue their studies or researches with the assistance from the university's support network and students organizations.
Center for Diversity, Accessibility and Career Development
- Inquiries can be made through e-mail or fax.
- E-mail:
- (Remove "#" from the above e-mail address before sending mail.)
- FAX: 029.853.4584
Assisting Students with Disabilities
Center for Diversity, Accessibility and Career Development
The Center for Diversity, Accessibility and Career Development provides guidance and advice to the university's various educational organizations regarding support methods for the students with disabilities. The Center also looks into ways to make the campus environment more accessible, and work for creating a system that will allow students to have equal access to services throughout the campus.
Goals and Features of the University of Tsukuba's Support for Students with Disabilities
- Goals and features of the University of Tsukuba's support for students with disabilities
- We will nurture individuals who will take the initiative in society, where people live together, through the integrated educational system.
- Concept of Support Service
- Support service that covers all students
- Support based on expertness of clusters, colleges, and graduate schools
- Support service backed by disability sciences and covers all students
- Contribution to Society based on Long-established Support Service
- The University of Tsukuba has the Institute of Disability Sciences, which has a decades-long support experience and is made up of experts of disabilities. It is our mission to support for internal students with disabilities as well as provide know-how of support. The University of Tsukuba takes a leading role as a hub center of " Shogai Gakusei Shugaku Shien Network [Support network of students with disabilities]," which is organized byJapan Student Services Organization (JASSO) and provides information to other universities.

Support for Entrance Examinations and Admission
- Consultation Service for Entrance Examinations Special Measures
- For individuals who plan to take entrance examination at the University of Tsukuba, please inquire at the Division of Admission, Department of Educational Promotion.
- Consultation service after enrolling the University of Tsukuba
- Upon completing admission procedure, undergraduate students will receive information on educational support system from the admission office at the University of Tsukuba. The information includes foreign language course for hearing-impaired students and courses guidance for students with motor impairment. The guidance will be attended by students, parents, faculty members, support staff, and other staff members in charge. The tutor system and support service system at the University of Tsukuba will be also introduced. In graduate schools, an academic advisor will support students with disabilities; yet if the advisor has no experience for supporting students with disabilities, the Office for Students with Disabilities will support instead.
Support Service in the University of Tsukuba
Support services at the University of Tsukuba are introduced here.
For further details, please refer to the website of the Center for Diversity, Accessibility and Career Development.
Establishment of the Office for Students with Disabilities
The Office for Students with Disabilities was established in 2007 to support students with disabilities. The "Office for Students with Disabilities" was a renewed support office of "Support Committee for Students with Disabilities," which was established in 2001. Service of the office includes planning support activities for students with disabilities by recognizing realities of students with disabilities in the university and making plans and implementing based on it. Senmonbukai [a professional team] made up of faculty members whose research fields are visual disability, hearing disability, physical disability, and developmental disability and staff nominated by the Health Center of the University of Tsukuba determines support activities based on disability science. Service of this office includes the support period of tutors, priority order of barrier-free rooms of the student hall, and review of students' needs.
Tsukuba Campus Accessibility Map for Students with Disabilities
sukuba Campus Accessibility Map for Students with Disabilities shows the condition of classrooms, multi-purpose bathroom, elevator, exit, and entrance on Tsukuba Campus that was examined in advance (mainly about buildings of undergraduate students.)
This Map helps students to confirm the condition of classrooms, bathrooms, and physical barriers (accessibility) before actually going there. The information on the Map has been reflected the "Campus Map of the University of Tsukuba" that has been distributed to new students of the University of Tsukuba. It is going to be utilized to improve the campus amenities in the future.
Tsukuba Campus Accessibility Map for Students with Disabilities (Japanese Page)