High school students join 8th Summer Research Program in Tsukuba
For the first time, ten high school students participated in the 8th Summer Research Program in Biomedical and Environmental Sciences co-organized by the University of Tsukuba's Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences last July 18 to 31, 2017.
Annually, selected students from overseas partner universities join our own students for lectures, laboratory experiments, research, and oral presentations for two weeks. This year, 36 undergraduate and graduate students from 8 countries, including University of Tsukuba, participated in the summer program. A special program for high school students was included this year in which the students engaged in practical training using the latest laboratory equipment under the supervision of faculty and graduate students of the university. On the last day, presentations of results in 网上哪里能买篮彩 were shared.
The ten students represented the following high schools (two from each): Vietnam's High School for Gifted Students, Hanoi University of Science (Vietnam National University), Thailand's Khon Kaen University's Affiliated High School, as well as Tsukuba City's Takezono High School, Namiki Secondary School, and Meikei High School.