University of Tsukuba is an unique university that covers a wide variety of research areas including sports and art, so that many interdisciplinary research projects are constantly conducted. Articles in Tsukuba Future aims to introduce our young researchers challenging such distinctive and future-oriented activities in research and education, focusing on their research topics and portraits.
* The content and titles are those at the time of the interview.
Technology/Materials #129 New World Opened by Supramolecules
Society/Culture #128 Humanities: Reducing Violence in the World
Medicine/Health #127 From Judo to Esports-do: The Scientific Way to Mutual Prosperity
Biology/Environment #126 Evaluating Food Palatability Without Actually Eating It
Biology/Environment #125 Multi-disciplinary Approach for Unveiling the Mysteries of the Reproductive Mechanism
Technology/Materials #124 Observations Reveal the Reality of the Early Universe
Medicine/Health #123 Contributing to a Sustainable Society by Integrating Biotechnology and Electronics
Medicine/Health #122 Pay It Forward
Biology/Environment #121 Science of the Microorganism Society
Biology/Environment #120 Listening to the Earth's Voice
Biology/Environment #119 Identifying the Light Emitted by Each Cell
Technology/Materials #118 Reproducing the Functioning of the Brain with Computers
Medicine/Health #117 Playing to His Strengths to Support Regenerative Medicine
Technology/Materials #116 Creating New Carbon Materials to Meet the Needs of Society
Medicine/Health #115 Driven to Provide Care That No One Else Can
Society/Culture #114 Making School Counselors More Accessible for All Students
Technology/Materials #113 The Beautiful World of Soft Matter
Society/Culture #112 Olympic and Paralympic Education as a Legacy
Society/Culture #111 Japanese Language Education for Coexisting with Foreigners
Biology/Environment #110 Changing the History of Musical Instruments via Wood Processing Techniques