
Voices of International Students



College of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine and Health Sciences

From Republic of Korea

What do you enjoy about Tsukuba (University of Tsukuba and Tsukuba City)?

One of the things I enjoy about Tsukuba is its natural beauty. Ever since I arrived in Tsukuba, I've fallen in love with cycling and exploring the nearby parks. Tsukuba University and its surroundings have plenty of cozy spots where I can just sit back and relax. On gloomy days, I've found that playing my favorite songs on a playlist and munching on a snack can instantly boost my mood.
And I do love to take a photo when I'd like to remember a moment, and I even have a social media account dedicated to sharing my pictures. Tsukuba provides the perfect backdrop for my photography adventures. The changing seasons here are so distinct, and this nostalgic vibe is uniquely Japanese. So whenever I'm feeling a bit bored or have some free time on my hands, you'll find me cruising around Tsukuba on my bicycle, capturing those picture-perfect moments.

What do you want to accomplish as a student of the University of Tsukuba during your study period?

At University of Tsukuba, there is a system called "Short-Term Employment" where undergraduate students can work in research labs and gain experience related to research from an early stage. I currently take advantage of this system and work in a research lab. It's fascinating because I can acquire practical experience in research, which is different from theoretical knowledge through classes.
My major, Medical Science, provides a curriculum to acquire the necessary knowledge for becoming a clinical pathologist. And I am particularly interested in forensic science. So, I want to learn about the work in the field of forensic science as a clinical pathologist. As an international student studying at the University of Tsukuba, I have set one goal through my major courses. I want to find solutions to social issues in Korea by examining international cases. Currently, my goals are expressed in a vague, but as I continue to accumulate research experience, I hope to develop and achieve more specific goals.


Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba
Celebrating the 151st 50th Anniversary of the University of Tsukuba